Witching Chronicles: Exploring The ORIGOD’s Impression

ORIGOD’s latest album, “Impression,” feels like a musical journey through the soul of a band that has evolved and matured since their beginnings in Turin back in 2007. Drawing inspiration from the likes of Cave In and early Mastodon, their music is a fusion of raw power and intricate melodies that resonate deeply.

The album kicks off with “When They Lock The Door,” a track that grabs you from the start with its infectious energy and compelling rhythms. It’s the kind of song that makes you want to move, to feel the music pulsating through your veins. Carlo Ortolano’s production work here is nothing short of brilliant, capturing every nuance and emotion in ORIGOD’s sound.

As you delve deeper into “Impression,” tracks like “Icarus” and “Wounds” showcase the band’s versatility. They effortlessly transition between heavy, headbanging moments and more introspective, melodic passages. The addition of Rubens Caligiuri on guitar adds a new layer of richness and complexity to their sonic palette, creating a dynamic listening experience.

The title track, “Impression,” is where ORIGOD truly shines. It’s a song that grabs hold of your emotions, with poignant vocals, massive fast rhythms, and captivating instrumentals. Recorded and mixed by Matteo and Paolo at Redwood Studio, and mastered by Dave at Audiosiege Mastering Studio, the album captures the essence of ORIGOD’s evolution, highlighting their growth while retaining the raw authenticity that defines their music.

“Impression” is the kind of record that leaves a lasting impact! Whether you’re a fan of Post-Metal, Hardcore, or simply appreciate great music, “Impression” is an album that demands to be heard. ORIGOD has crafted something special here!

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Released by ARGONAUTA Records on May 31, 2024
Music source for review – Grand Sounds PR